

MLSpeak brings a voice to your MainLobby 3 Server! If you need to send a voice announcement over your whole house audio system like who is calling on the phone, then MLSpeak is what you need.

Other applications include audible announcement of security system status and what door is violated. Have MLSpeak say the weather, let you know when the irrigation system is finished watering, announce what movie is playing tonight - all fun and possible with MLSpeak.

MLSpeak can use any "Sapi 5" voice that works with Windows. Windows XP comes with "Microsoft Mike" and "Microsoft Mary". For other versions of Windows, consult 3rd party Sapi5 voices sound very realistic and come in a variety of voices.

The installation and usage is very easy, just requires MLServeCmd.MLSpeak|<<parameter1>>~<<parameter2>> to be added to your MainLobby scene or MLServer automation logic.





MLSpeak Plugin
REQUIRES Windows Sapi5 voice engine, MLServer 3, MainLobby 3 Client

Price: US $29.99